There were many lessons found in the hours spent stacking wood. It forced things to just be. Forced you to be slow.
Don’t lose track of keeping the fire hot. Don’t forget to correctly prep for the day. Mother nature gives no pauses.
Much like our spiritual and emotional selves, keep the fire going, it’s not good if it goes out, dangerous if too hot.
The woodstove became a constant reminder to tend to yourself every day. To check in, observe, enjoy, but don’t forget to feed the fire.
The weather and the chores that were there no matter what became reminders. Life isn’t waiting. These living animals don’t care that you’re tired. Their livelihood depends on you regardless.
The bitter winter forcefully taught us to come in. Find love in things you normally wo1uld overlook. Find peace in stillness that you did not choose.
Be confident and intentional in all your convictions for today, that way you know you have what you need to get through tomorrow